Discover the ideal will for your needs.

Whether you require a straightforward will or seek to safeguard your property, our expertise is at your service.

Write a bespoke will

Tailor it to your unique needs.

  • Done in 15 minutes

  • With expert support

  • Only £99


Begin crafting your legacy here.

We'll guide you in creating your will by asking questions to understand your specific wishes.


Now in the hands of our will specialists.

Our specialists will evaluate your will within 10 business days. Then you’ll sign it to make it legally binding.


Continue to shape your legacy.

You have the flexibility to modify your will at any time, with no charge in the first year and a minimal fee of only £10 annually thereafter.

Needing a helping hand?

Our team of experts is here to assist you at each stage of the process.

Enhanced value for your benefit

Zoom Appointments for Your Convenience

Prefer a virtual discussion about your estate planning? B-Legal offers the convenience and comfort of Zoom appointments. Our trusted associates are ready to meet with you virtually, ensuring a personalized and private experience.

During the online consultation, they will provide detailed guidance on wills, powers of attorney, and trusts, tailored to your unique circumstances. Schedule your Zoom appointment today and embark on your estate planning journey with the utmost confidence and ease.

Peace of mind

Ensure peace of mind by documenting your wishes to care for your loved ones.


Ensure the future well-being of your loved ones with a thoughtfully crafted and secure will.

Leave a legacy

Whether through direct means or by establishing trusts, ensure the welfare of both your loved ones and charitable causes.

What is a will?

A will is a legally binding document that outlines how you want your estate to be managed and distributed after your passing. There are various types of wills, each designed to address different circumstances.

A simple will is ideal for individuals or couples who wish to straightforwardly leave their estate to a loved one without much complexity, especially if there is no property involved.

In the case of couples, a common choice is a mirror will, which typically leaves the estate to the surviving partner and then to the beneficiaries.

Alternatively, trust wills are available. A trust will includes instructions for the executor to establish a trust upon your death. This trust provision offers extended protection for up to 125 years.

For couples who own property, a Trust Will can provide significant protection. It can also be a valuable tool to safeguard your estate against future care fees or to ensure the inheritance security of your beneficiaries in various ways.

What occurs if I pass away without creating a will?

In England or Wales, if you pass away without a legally valid will, the government will determine the distribution of your assets. In the absence of surviving family members, your entire estate will be inherited by the Crown. If you have children under the age of 18, individuals other than yourself can make decisions concerning their guardianship, finances, education, and living situation. Crafting a will enables you to explicitly state your preferences and desires for these matters.

Creating a will empowers you to:

  1. Appoint trusted individuals as guardians for your children under 18.

  2. Designate trusted executors to carry out the instructions in your will.

  3. Specify the individuals or charities you wish to benefit from your estate (beneficiaries).

  4. Bequeath specific items or fixed sums of money (legacies).

  5. Establish trusts to safeguard your assets for future generations, protect against care costs, or support vulnerable or disabled beneficiaries.

  6. Outline your funeral preferences.

A will is among the most critical legal documents you will ever execute. In England or Wales, without a valid will, the law can determine who cares for children under 18 and who inherits your assets, including money, property, vehicles, pets, and personal possessions.

Your will addresses the assets you possess at the time of your passing, not when you draft the will. Therefore, even if your current assets are limited, your financial circumstances may change significantly in the future, especially if you anticipate paying off your mortgage or expect to receive an inheritance.

Drafting a will provides clarity to your desires and offers financial protection to your loved ones after your passing. If you and your partner share similar wishes, you might consider creating mirror wills, separate wills that mirror each other, with each person leaving assets to one another or the same beneficiaries.

Don't delay creating your Will

At B-Legal, we're committed to making wills easy and affordable for everyone. With our friendly service, you can create a legally sound will for just £99 - no hidden costs, just straightforward and cost-effective support for your peace of mind.

Single basic Will


Includes free delivery

Simplify the process of organizing your affairs for your family and loved ones after your passing. Take control by determining who oversees and benefits from your estate, while ensuring that your final wishes are honored.

Key benefits:

  • You control the inheritance amounts for family, friends, and charities.

  • Select guardians to safeguard your assets for children under 18.

  • Your will reflects your exclusive wishes.

Mirror basic Will


Includes free delivery

Streamline the process of handling your affairs for your family and loved ones after your passing. Choose who administers and inherits from your estate, and specify how your final wishes should be honored.

Key benefits:

  • Consider mirror wills for cost-effective estate planning with your partner.

  • Determine your desired beneficiaries among family, friends, and charities.

  • Your will embodies your unique wishes and remains confidential.


What is a Will?

A will is a legal document that outlines your wishes for the distribution of your assets, property, and possessions after your death.

Do I Need a Will?

While not required by law, having a will ensures that your assets are distributed according to your wishes. Without one, intestacy rules may apply.

What Happens if I Die Without a Will (Intestate)?

If you die without a will in the UK, intestacy rules determine how your estate is distributed, which may not align with your preferences.

Can I Write My Own Will?

Yes, you can write your own will, but it's advisable to seek legal advice to ensure it's legally valid and reflects your intentions.

Who Can Be Named as Executors in My Will?

Executors are responsible for administering your estate. You can choose trusted individuals, including family members or friends, or seek professional executors' services.

What Should I Include in My Will?

Your will should specify beneficiaries, describe asset distribution, name guardians for minor children, and outline any specific bequests or legacies.

Can I Change My Will?

Yes, you can update your will at any time to reflect changing circumstances or preferences by creating a codicil or drafting a new will.

What Is a Mirror Will?

A mirror will is a pair of wills commonly used by couples. They mirror each other, with both partners leaving their assets to each other and, typically, to the same beneficiaries.

Can a Will Be Contested?

Wills can be contested if there are concerns about validity, undue influence, or lack of mental capacity during its creation. Seeking professional legal advice can help prevent disputes.

How Do I Store My Will Safely?

Consider storing your will with a solicitor, a will storage service, or a secure location. Inform your executors and loved ones of its whereabouts.

Prefer a Home Visit ? Book a home visit

Prefer a face-to-face discussion about your estate planning? B-Legal offers the convenience and comfort of home visits. Our trusted associates are ready to meet you in your own home, ensuring a personalized and private experience.

During the visit, they will provide detailed guidance on wills, powers of attorney, and trusts, tailored to your unique circumstances. Schedule your home visit today and embark on your estate planning journey with the utmost confidence and ease.

Clients Feedback

Explore Your Options: Online, Zoom, or Home Appointments - We Have a Service to Suit Every Budget

Navigating the complexities of Power of Attorney is made easy with B-Legal's comprehensive services. Whether you prefer the convenience of online, Zoom, or home appointments, we have a solution that fits your needs and budget.

Experience the simplicity of establishing a Power of Attorney online with B-Legal. Our platform connects you with accredited legal advisors who specialize in Power of Attorney arrangements, ensuring a secure and streamlined process.

Whether you're planning for future healthcare decisions, financial management, or safeguarding your assets, our digital solutions are designed for clarity and ease of use. B-Legal's commitment to accessible and trustworthy online legal services transforms how you prepare for tomorrow.

Protect your autonomy and ensure your wishes are honored with B-Legal's expertly guided online Power of Attorney services. Trusted by clients nationwide, B-Legal stands as a beacon of innovation in online estate planning.

Discover why our clients recommend B-Legal for seamless, professional online Power of Attorney services.

Our services


Wills with Trusts

Wills with Trusts blend estate planning techniques, allowing precise asset distribution, potential tax advantages, and controlled support for beneficiaries post-testator's passing.


Lifetime Trusts

Lifetime Trusts, established during the settlor's lifetime in the UK, offer strategic estate management, asset protection, and tailored beneficiary provisions for future financial security.


Lasting Power of Attorney

Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in the UK enables individuals to appoint trusted persons to manage their health, welfare, or financial affairs in potential future incapacity scenarios.

Insights and Advice

An image of a serene bedroom with a grounding sheet on the bed, a notepad with estate planning documents on a bedside table, symbolizing the connection between physical health and financial planning.

Securing Wellness and Wealth: How Grounding Sheets Complement Estate Planning

May 08, 20243 min read

Enhancing Wellness in Estate Planning: The Comprehensive Benefits of Grounding Sheets

As we navigate the complexities of planning for the future, it's essential to address not only financial security but also personal wellness. Estate planning ensures peace of mind for ourselves and our loved ones by securing our assets and wishes. Yet, achieving a holistic sense of well-being requires us to also focus on our physical and emotional health. This is where grounding sheets, offered by ZenLife UK, come into play, providing surprising health benefits that can complement the serenity and foresight of thorough estate planning.

An image of a serene bedroom with a grounding sheet on the bed, a notepad with estate planning documents on a bedside table, symbolizing the connection between physical health and financial planning

An image of a serene bedroom with a grounding sheet on the bed, a notepad with estate planning documents on a bedside table, symbolizing the connection between physical health and financial planning

Understanding Grounding Sheets

Grounding sheets are innovative products designed to connect your body to the earth’s natural energy during sleep. Utilizing conductive materials, these sheets link you directly to the ground outside, extending the health benefits of earthing right to your bedroom.

In-Depth Health Benefits

  1. Reduction in Inflammation: Chronic inflammation is a root cause of many serious diseases including heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. Grounding has been shown to help reduce chronic inflammation by facilitating the neutralization of free radicals in the body with electrons from the earth.

  2. Enhanced Sleep Quality: The connection to earth’s natural currents may help reset the body’s biological clocks, regulating circadian rhythms and improving overall sleep quality. This means you could wake up feeling more rested and alert, which is crucial for handling the demands of daily life and making sound estate planning decisions.

  3. Stress Reduction: Grounding can significantly reduce cortisol levels, the body's stress hormone. Lower stress levels can improve your mood, decrease anxiety, and enhance cognitive function, making it easier to focus on complex tasks such as estate planning.

  4. Improved Circulation and Cardiovascular Health: Grounding can enhance blood flow, which is vital for not only maintaining cardiovascular health but also for promoting faster recovery from injuries and reducing muscle pain after physical activity.

Connecting Grounding and Estate Planning

Integrating grounding sheets into your wellness routine can be a proactive step toward maintaining long-term health, which is inherently connected to the peace of mind achieved through effective estate planning. Here’s how these two concepts intertwine:

  • Synergistic Stress Management: Just as estate planning can alleviate the anxiety about the future, grounding can physiologically reduce stress, offering a double layer of relief.

  • Promotion of Mental Clarity: Improved sleep and reduced stress enhance mental clarity and focus, aiding in the complex decision-making processes involved in planning your estate.

  • Physical Wellness and Longevity: By potentially extending your lifespan and enhancing your daily functioning through better overall health, grounding sheets ensure you can enjoy the benefits of your estate planning for years to come.

Practical Tips for Integrating Grounding into Your Routine

  • Start Small: Incorporate grounding sheets in your bedroom to harness the benefits of earthing while you sleep.

  • Combine Grounding with Other Wellness Practices: Consider practices like meditation, yoga, or regular walks outdoors to complement your grounding experience.

  • Regular Reviews: Just as you would review and update your estate plans, regularly assess your health and wellness strategies to ensure they meet your evolving needs.


Grounding sheets from ZenLife UK offer a unique and effective way to enhance your overall wellness, providing a solid foundation for handling the stresses and demands of estate planning. At b-legal, we advocate for a comprehensive approach to your well-being, combining smart estate planning with proactive health measures like grounding to pave the way for a secure, healthy, and fulfilling future.

Discover more about how ZenLife UK's grounding sheets can support your journey to holistic wellness by visiting ZenLife UK.

Grounding sheetgrounding matreduce inflamationgroundingearthingnatural healthstress relief
blog author image

Gary Stevenson

As a dynamic and insightful estate planner, Gary Stevenson offers fresh, tailored solutions for managing and securing family legacies. With a degree in financial law and a keen understanding of the modern complexities in estate planning, Gary equips clients across the UK with the tools they need for peace of mind about their future. Certified by the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), he is committed to transparency and education, ensuring clients are fully informed and comfortable with their estate planning choices. When not devising comprehensive estate strategies, Gary enjoys urban photography and exploring innovative tech trends.

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